Do hair transplants really work? Types, side effects, and recovery 

Do Hair Transplant Really Work?

Well, whether hair transplant works or not it literally depends upon a number of factors. But in most cases, it works. The experience and skills of the surgeon matter a lot. While hair transplant is highly recommended to get the best results. hair transplantation producers Basically, there are two types of hair transplantation procedures.

These are: Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) is the best procedure for hair transplants. Though, this procedure includes strip harvesting. Hence, harvesting is done from the side, top, and back of the head. As the roots in these areas are permanent in nature. Therefore, FUT gives the best, long-lasting, natural-looking, and permanent results. Either it’s one of the highest performing and popular surgeries in today’s time. A hair transplant is a very popular cosmetic surgery. Most people undergo it to enhance their looks. The majority of the people, in the hope of preventing scars after the healing process is completed by the FUT procedure of extraction, FUE hair transplant is thus introduced. Though after healing the graft extraction sites leaves very small dotted scars. Hence, which are not easily visible to the naked eyes. Therefore, this procedure of graft harvesting follicular unit is individually extracted with the help of a motorized device. 

Side Effects of Hair Transplant

Hair transplantation surgery is very safe and popular when compared with other cosmetic surgeries. Mostly, the risks associated are highly minimized only when performed by an expert, experienced, and qualified hair transplant surgeon in Delhi. But all the individuals vary in their physical reactions and healing abilities. Thought just like any other surgery, there are chances of infection. does hair transplant works Some of the common risks are bleeding, wide scars, stretch back, body pain, and a few others? Get yourself treated at the best clinic for hair transplantation surgery, then you would expect quite a nominal risk from the surgery. 

Recovery after the Surgery

Thus, after the surgery, you may feel that your scalp may become quite sore, and to recover from this you might require some medication, such as pain killers, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatory. As a matter of fact, the recovery process doesn’t need much time.

hair transplant result - dr pk talwar Though, in the majority of cases, patients do return to work after several days only. Either it’s very normal that the transplanted hair falls out within two or three weeks after the procedure is completed. This is how new hairs are grown. While, in some cases, patients will experience new hair growth almost after 8 to 12 months of the surgery. Though the best hair transplant in Delhi surgeon advises using Rogaine for improving the regrowth process. Moreover, the medicine will also help in slowing down or stopping the procedure of hair loss in the future.

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