FUT vs FUE  Hair Transplant in Delhi, Cost and Using Method.

FUT vs FUE  Hair Transplant in Delhi, Cost and Using Method.

The two most prevalent types of hair transplant methods are Follicular unit transplant (FUT) and Follicular unit extraction (FUE). The FUT technique is the most older and widely followed by the number of surgeons. While FUE is quite new and requires a lot of practice and dedication to master it. The majority of people find it quite hard to find the best suitable procedure for FUT or FUE hair transplant in Delhi. Both procedures have their own intricacies that should be considered by a patient before deciding the procedure that they like to go for.

fut vs fue hair transplant

FUE and FUT Hair Transplant in Delhi: Scars after the procedure

FUE is the best choice for all those who don’t want to have a noticeable scar on the treated area.  If you go for an FUE procedure then you will have small and round shape scars. While on the other side, the FUT procedure will give long and linear scars. But unfortunately, the multiple sessions of the FUT procedure increase the visibility of the scar. While multiple FUE sessions thin the donor area as the number of sessions increases. The number of grafts varies from patient to patient but there is a finite number in both. Though the total number of grafts is always greater in FUE.

Extraction of Hair Grafts

FUE or follicular unit extraction: In the follicular unit, extraction hair follicles are extracted by using a tiny surgical tool. And then the surgeon transfers the individual follicular unit to the area of hair thinning or hair loss. By doing so, scars are less visible and much smaller.

FUT or follicular unit transplantation: In FUT, the surgeon extracts a donor strip from a donor zone by using a scalpel, and then the donor strip is divided into individual grafts that are smaller than follicular units. After this, the doctor transplants individual follicles to the recipient area. But this procedure leaves liners scar and the width of the scar is unpredictable before the operation. For the best understanding of FUT hair transplant in Delhi, you should consult with a good surgeon.

Healing Difference Between FUE and FUT Procedures

FUT leads to major sources and significant scabs in the incision area. And the healing process can be rough for a few days to a week. After the procedure, the patient must limit the physical activity for a month to prevent complications.

FUE on the other side is often painless and needs less time to heal. Patients must pay attention to the donor area and limit the physical workouts during the first week of healing.

Cost Differences Between FUE and FUT.

FUE hair transplant in Delhi comes at a higher cost than the FUT procedure because most FUE variants require a lot of time. The surgeon extracts and transplants hair follicles one by one. However the cost per hair with FUE is lower than FUT, but the full follicular unit extraction procedure is much higher.

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